Become a Member

Be a part of the zero waste transition on Whidbey Island

rePurpose works to educate the public, advance policy changes, and engage in community actions to move our community toward zero waste. Founded in December 2021, we are building on a year of action toward a new phase and need support to help make that happen.


Become a Member

Thank you for your interest in the zero waste movement on Whidbey Island. When you become a member, you’re leading with like minded Whidbey neighbors who want to make a difference during this time of climate crisis. Your monthly membership helps build the momentum and mission of rePurpose - that there’s no such thing as trash and everything is a resource.

Membership benefits:

  • Drop off reusable or hard-to-recycle items (See also: List of accepted items)

  • Shop for free reusable items at our location - for arts, education and general reuse

  • One free reusable dishware rental per year for up to 30 people

  • Easy access to rePurpose community events

  • Discounts on future rePurpose offerings as they are released.

Sustaining member $75 per month
Drop off up to three bags of reusable or hard-to-recycle items per month, plus the benefits listed above.

Established member $45 per month
Drop off up to two bags of reusable or hard-to-recycle items per month, plus the benefits listed above.

Growing member $25 per month
Drop off up to one bag of reusable or hard-to-recycle items per month, plus the benefits listed above.

*Please note your monthly membership will be processed by For The People, our fiscal sponsor. Memberships are not tax deductible.

Three Ways You Can Help

  • Newsletter

    Stay up-to-date on news, events, and initiatives aimed at creating a zero waste community on Whidbey Island.

  • Volunteer

    Join rePurpose's volunteer list and become a part of a passionate community committed to creating a zero waste future through repair events, composting workshops, art making, and zero waste education, while gaining valuable skills and making a positive impact on the environment.

  • Donate

    By donating to rePurpose, you can help us advance our mission to create a zero waste community by supporting initiatives such as upstream policy changes, downstream waste management, and community action.