Big Beach Clean Up

A story told by rePurpose member and volunteer, Sarah MacDougall

It’s a beautiful day for walking on the beach. As I head north toward Bush Point I see a large Styrofoam block- about 2 feet long- washed up on the shore. Dragging it up to the base of the bluff I promise myself I’ll retrieve it on my way back. Cleaning up our beach is one of the joys in my life!

I continue walking north, humming, feeling so grateful for this island, for the air, the waves, the orcas who bless us with their presence upon occasion. Oh, no! More Styrofoam blocks and a huge sheet of heavy-duty plastic. I pile three blocks on the plastic and drag them travois style back south picking up the fourth block on the way. They are not heavy, just awkward. Good aerobic exercise hauling them up the 60 steps to the locked gate, piling them into a wheelbarrow I fetch from home, then stashing them beside my house thinking about how to dispose of them.

Next day my neighbor texts me, “Six styrofoam blocks on the beach south of our stairs.” Repeat performance with these blocks and then check with the folks at rePurpose on Whidbey, a group of concerned citizens starting a movement to educate folks about reducing the amount of waste going into our landfills. With their assistance I locate the DTG recycle site in Woodinville. They receive Styrofoam and grind it into pellets that are reused for a number of things (i.e. putting in planters, stuffing bean bag chairs, craft projects). Great!

My friend Pip and I load the Styrofoam into her pick-up truck and head for Woodinville where DTG graciously waives the $50 fee. 

We celebrate after off-loading, feeling grateful that all this Styrofoam did not pollute Puget Sound waters and wildlife. 


Empty, Clean and Dry


Zero Waste Resources